Top 10 Glass Cannons in World of Tanks

Hit them first, and hit them hard. Very hard.

Tier 9


The British finally take a stand with one of their DPM monsters. While its DPM isn’t quite at Tortoise levels, the Conway sacrifices some of the (arguably useless) armor slowing the Tortoise down to gain a mobility advantage, allowing it to position itself in areas of the map where it can output its DPM more often than the Tortoise can in true glass cannon fashion.

That’s not to say the Conway is a Light Tank, however. With a top speed of 35 the tank still finds itself quite limited when having to haul itself over long distances despite the lack of armor anywhere on the tank. This Tank Destroyer isn’t particularly small either, so camo isn’t your friend.

Waffenträger auf Pz. IV

There’s a common theme with the second German Tank Destroyer line, and I feel it won’t be the last we see of them. Similarly to the Borsig, the “Waffle Panzer” is a paper-thin turreted Tank Destroyer with the choice of an accurate, high-DPM, high-penetration 128mm main armament or a 15cm boom stick comparable to the E 100’s elite gun. Both guns are straight upgrades over their parent tank’s choices, though the 15cm doesn’t have poor DPM by any means at an impressive 2760.

While the gun choices improved, the platform... not so much. If you opt for the 128mm you have a lowly 2 degrees of gun depression at the front and 5 degrees at the rear, meaning you often have to traverse your tank around to actually be able to aim at the enemy. With the 15cm, this is less of an issue where you have 4 degrees at the front instead.

The Tank Destroyer is also taller than the Borsig down at Tier 8, reducing its Concealment Rating, though the platform is certainly more mobile. Careful, though, you still have a paper thin gun shield capable of getting HE’d, though at least your frontal hull is HE-proof for the most part.


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