The 7 Most Powerful Tanks Nobody Plays

Find out what hidden gems World of Tanks has to offer.

Object 430 II

A third vehicle from the second Russian Medium Tank line, the Object 430 II. Perhaps the Tier 10 Object 430 is so off-putting for many players most just ignore it? Well, it’s certainly their loss with the Tier 9 vehicle as it’s an absolute gem.

The 430 II was actually the 2nd least played Tier 9 across servers for the past month, yet it came 8th in terms of win rate. The Tank plays very similarly to its predecessor, with a limited-traverse, rear-mounted gun boasting a whole 4 degrees of gun depression this time (Whoa!).

The mobility is, again, very similar, and the firepower practically doesn’t change in any regard. So what’s the point in this vehicle? It actually gets armor! Yes! The Soviet engineers decided this time around that your vehicle should actually use steel to protect the crew rather than empty packets of Semechki haphazardly sewn together.

The turret used on the 430 II has armor values similar to the old, pre-nerf T-54 one because it’s still in standard definition, though this advantage over the T-54 will be lost in Update 9.20. Due to the nominal thickness and very small roof weak spot, the 430 II actually has better turret armor than many Tier 10 Soviet Mediums, and the rear-mounted turret allows it to side scrape with absolutely ease.


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