The 7 Most Powerful Tanks Nobody Plays

Find out what hidden gems World of Tanks has to offer.


Well in the bottom half of the tanks played last month despite its recent buff, it’s clear the 121 doesn’t get a lot of attention. It seems to be drowned out by the Russian Mediums as, comparatively, it’s just clunkier with poor gun handling. Ignore other Mediums. Compare the 121 to other tanks with high alpha damage and you’ll find merit in its ability.

Sure, compare the 121 to other Mediums and it’ll seem very lack lustre in many regards, but as far as 440 alpha damage guns go, the 121’s performance is outstanding. If you look at some 122mm guns found on Tier 10 Heavies, or even certain 120mm, the 121 absolutely dominates the competition in terms of DPM and gun handling. You then get excellent mobility (as, obviously, it’s a Medium) which Heavies really can’t compete with, and an extremely strong turret to weather incoming fire. The recent gun depression buff from Update 9.19.1 perfected the balance for the 121 in my eyes, as it removed unnecessary limitations on inclines which the 121 previously suffered from.

Another interesting thing of note is the fact that the 121 uses AP as its standard ammunition. This may seem like a disadvantage compared to other Mediums which fire APCR standard rounds, but it’s actually a significant advantage against any sort of angled surface, which you’d know already if you were familiar with Normalisation Mechanics.


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