How long to beat Gears 5?

An estimated look at how long it'll take you to beat Gears 5 and how many chapters are included in the Campaign.

If you’re thinking about picking up a copy of Gears 5, one of the first questions you may have is how long it takes to beat the game’s Campaign. To help simplify everything for you, we’ve put together a quick guide explaining how long it’ll take you to beat Gears 5 and how many chapters there are in the game’s Campaign.

How long to beat Gears 5?

How long to beat Gears 5?
It should take you anywhere from 8 to 12 hours to beat Gears 5 depending on how you choose to play through the Campaign.
© The Coalition

As with most games, the estimated time it’ll take you to beat the Campaign in Gears 5 varies depending on how you play the game. For example, there are four difficulty settings to choose from in Gears 5 ranging from Beginner all the way to Insane. The harder the difficulty setting, the more time it’ll take you to beat the game as you may struggle to work through enemies in certain areas.

During our time in Gears 5, it took us around 9 and a half hours in total. Based on early reports from other gamers, the consensus is that it takes anywhere from 8 to 12 hours to beat Gears 5. If you choose to explore, work through side missions, and gather collectibles, your completion time will naturally increase up to around 12 hours.

Meanwhile, if you want to speed through the game on an easier difficulty setting while skipping past cutscenes and playing with a friend in co-op, completion could feasibly drop below 8 hours. When it comes to the number of chapters, there are 15 total spread out over 4 different “Acts” in the Campaign for Gears 5. Below, we’ve listed all chapters in each of the 4 Acts. Note that some chapter names may contain light spoilers.

Act 1

  • Shot in the Dark
  • Diplomacy
  • This is War
  • The Tide Turns

Act 2

  • Recruitment Drive
  • Into the Wild
  • Forest for the Trees
  • The Source of it All
  • Dirtier Little Secrets

Act 3

  • Fighting Chance
  • Rocket Plan
  • Some Assembly Required
  • One Small Step

Act 4

  • Homefront
  • The Fall

Again, depending on how you play the Campaign in Gears 5, it should take you anywhere from 8 to 12 hours on average to beat everything. If you’re speeding through the Campaign with your friends in co-op, it could take even less time.

Now that you know how long it takes to beat the Campaign in Gears 5, be sure to check out some of our previous guides including how to adjust the difficulty in Gears 5, and how to play Gears 5 in both local and online co-op multiplayer.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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