How to visit Mr. Polar's Artisanal Ice in Fortnite

The location of Mr. Polar's Artisanal Ice in Fortnite and suggestions on how to visit this spot safely.

In Fortnite, new challenges are regularly added to keep players on their toes, with the latest being to land at locations including Mr. Polar’s Artisanal Ice. In addition to needing to know where this building is located, you’ll also want to keep a few things in mind before landing there. To help, we’ve put together a quick guide explaining how to visit Mr. Polar’s Artisanal Ice in Fortnite.

How to visit Mr. Polar’s Artisanal Ice in Fortnite

How to visit Mr. Polar's Artisanal Ice in Fortnite
Mr. Polar's Artisanal Ice can be found in the Dirty Docks area of Fortnite.
© Epic Games

To visit Mr. Polar’s Artisanal Ice in Fortnite, you’ll first want to know where the building is located, and also how to land there safely. While waiting for your match to begin, open up your map and place a map marker in the center of Dirty Docks. This will guide you there when you’re jumping off the bus.

We recommend placing this map marker in the center of Dirty Docks as seen in the map seen above.

With the location marked, we recommend landing just outside the location of Mr. Polar’s Artisanal Ice in the mountains. Because other players are working to complete the exact same challenge as you, many will opt to land here first, picking up weapons and eliminating anyone who approaches.

By landing in an area nearby, you can equip yourself with weapons, and give other players time to land there and clear out. After grabbing a weapon and waiting a bit for players to clear out, the next step is to head to the location you've marked on your map. There, you’ll spot Mr. Polar’s Artisanal Ice right at the center of Dirty Docks.

Where to find Mr. Polar's Artisanal Ice building in Fortnite
Mr. Polar's Artisanal Ice is located in the center of Dirty Docks in Fortnite and boasts a cute snowman sign on the side.
© Epic Games

Approach the building and your challenge should update automatically. And that’s all there is to it! Mark the location on your map, land outside the area and prepare, then approach the building to update your challenge progress.

Now that you know how to visit Mr. Polar’s Artisanal Ice in Fortnite, be sure to read through some of our other helpful guides including how to get the 2020 Glider in Fortnite, how to use the Harpoon Gun in Fortnite, and info on buying the Triggerfish Outfit in Fortnite.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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