DOOM Guy invades Fall Guys next week

Also a beany little pair of demons will join him.

After a month of teasing the DOOM Slayer outfit will finally arrive in Fall Guys next week with a couple of demonic buddies for backup.

A Cacodemon and Cyberdemon outfit will also be added to the game on January 12, and you can see them fooling around in the Fall Guy arena in the below trailer.

This is the latest in a series of crossover cameos for other gaming properties in Fall Guys, the surprise hit of last year which continues to be moderately popular. The most high-profile race to be added to the game saw influencers and other companies banding together to contribute $1 million to accessibility charity Special Effect in order to add a fairly unremarkable set of outfits to the game. The money is the main thing we remember. That was nice.

The deal secured between Mediatonic and Bethesda (which is now owned by Microsoft's Xbox division, a console on which Fall Guys has yet to make its debut) could see more of the publisher's familiar heroes making the jump to bean form over the next few months.

We'll update you on what your Fall Guys outfit says about you if you pick the DOOM Slayer once we've observed the behavior of enough of his adherents. If you want to snag DOOM Guy for yourself in Fall Guys, you'll need to wait until January 12.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing or finding him on Twitter. 

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