Survival Tips for The Long Dark

Tips to help you survive on any difficulty in The Long Dark.

Climb Timberwolf Mountain

The Long Dark is a beautiful game. Make sure you step outside your comfort zone and explore it.
The Long Dark is a beautiful game. Make sure you step outside your comfort zone and explore it.

Almost every one of our tips for surviving in The Long Dark is based on being cautious and paying attention to detail. We still support that line of thinking 99 percent of the time, but there comes a point in the life of every character when it’s time to live a little. Maybe that means tracking and killing Mr. Bear, or maybe it means blindly exploring Forlorn Muskeg. For us, it meant climbing Timberwolf Mountain; something it took us until hour 170 to do. The point is, there’s no use in mastering the game mechanics in The Long Dark if you’re going to coast by in comfort. Go out and do the things that make you nervous and apply all our tips so that, hopefully, you’ll live to tell about it.

Perhaps the greatest tip for surviving The Long Dark we could give you is to gain map knowledge, which is best done by checking out Whiteberry’s Maps of All Regions in The Long Dark.


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