Survival Tips for The Long Dark

Tips to help you survive on any difficulty in The Long Dark.

How to Loot Effectively

If you're in Mystery Lake, the Camp Office is a great place to loot.
If you're in Mystery Lake, the Camp Office is a great place to loot.

One of the best tips that we can give you to help you survive The Long Dark is to focus on looting areas and buildings that will provide you the resources you need. For example, if you’re in need of clothing, it’s best to look in houses that have dressers, as dressers contain clothing. If you need food, again, go into houses and look in the cupboards, and even the fridge. Looting, like most concepts in The Long Dark, is intuitive, so you’ll typically find loot where you would expect to. Another such example would be finding a Bandage in a First Aid Kit.



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