Survival Tips for The Long Dark

Tips to help you survive on any difficulty in The Long Dark.

 Staying Warm

With 11 hours of daylight left, we're barely above freezing while outside.
With 11 hours of daylight left, we're barely above freezing while outside.

Nothing will kill you faster in The Long Dark than the cold. Okay, so that’s a lie. A Bear or Wolf will kill you in seconds. What we mean is that the cold is one of the biggest threats to your survival. If you don’t plan carefully, you’ll end up stuck in a blizzard and risking frostbite, something that you cannot fully recover from.

One of the best tips for avoiding the cold is to always know where you came from and where you’re going. Don’t wander around for giggles. When you leave your home, you should know how far it is to shelter, or how you can get back to the one you just left. Having a plan to escape the cold is vital to your survival, and players who are careless will end up moaning on the subreddit about how the game should wake you up to warn you that you’re about to die of hypothermia. Well, avoid sleeping outside and it’ll never be a problem.

Even at night, the temperature tends to be warmer than first thing in the morning.
Even at night, the temperature tends to be warmer than first thing in the morning.

Another tip for avoiding the cold and surviving in The Long Dark is to sleep in a few hours. Because early morning is typically the coldest time of the day, consider staying indoors until you have about 10 hours of daylight remaining. Plan to spend time outside in the afternoons and evenings when temperatures are often the warmest. To accomplish this, keep yourself busy for an hour or two when it gets dark. You can harvest without light, but if you have a fire you can do any number of things, including reading, cooking, crafting, or repairing. Go to bed late, wake up late, and stay toasty warm as much as you can.



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