7 Most Underrated Premium Tanks in World of Tanks

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AMX 13 57 GF

Another tank that was pretty lacklustre upon release, but still had a small following due to its niche insta-clip reload speed of 1 second. Such a short reload between shells proved to be effective psychological warfare against those who struggle to keep up with incoming information, inducing a panic in many foes when you catch them off-guard.

The reason the AMX 13 57 GF is now such a potent tank is because of its new match making. As mentioned in the Highest Win Rate Tanks of July article when referring to the Type 64, the 13 57 GF was balanced as a tank one tier higher than it actually is to account for the old scout matchmaking. After the 9.18 rework, however, its matchmaking is standard for a Tier 7 tank but retains a power level exceeding most tanks of its tier.

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