7 Most Underrated Premium Tanks in World of Tanks

Want to be a World of Tanks Hipster and stick out from the crowd?


A tank I don’t understand the detest for. Perhaps it’s the poor gun handling, lack of mobility compared to the IS-3, but the IS-3A is an incredibly strong tank and not being as good as it doesn’t automatically relegate the tank as “bad” as far as I’m concerned.

Looking at it objectively, the IS-3A is a pretty mobile Heavy Tank with very high DPM, punishing alpha damage, high penetration, and excellent shell velocity due to the APCR standard rounds. Not only this, but its turret armor is also great except the small roof area which can be overmatched, and the hull armor is a tough nut to crack for sub-200mm of penetration guns. These combined strengths allow it to excel as a Medium-bully, and I found that 3-marking the tank was a joy.

That finishes my list for the most underrated Premiums in World of Tanks. What would make yours?

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