7 Most Underrated Premium Tanks in World of Tanks

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I love this tank after its gun depression buff from -3 degrees up to -5, though many players still bash it for the terrible aiming statistics. While certainly true, the odd HEAT round will largely make up for that, and its armor is incredibly powerful at Tier 8 with preferential matchmaking. It’s basically a T-34-2, but better in every way bar a slight profile increase.

You can also expect it to receive a buff in the near future where its armor values become identical to the Type 59’s. Not only this, but its aiming statistics should receive a large buff too, though more on that when the time comes.

Fun fact, I tried making the T-34-3 look as depressed as possible for the feature image, but it lacks the gun depression to do so. That’s because it’s such a good tank it can’t possibly get depressed! And because depression is forbidden under glorious reign of Chairman Mao.


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