
How to get Crystal Skates in Temtem

Control the direction you skate across ice in Temtem by learning where to get a pair of Crystal Skates.


Where to get Ganki in Temtem

Find out the best spot to grab an untamed Gank in Temtem!

How to make money fast in Temtem

The best way to farm for money, otherwise known as Pacsuns, in Temtem.

All answers to Sanyu's questions in Temtem

Solve Sanyu's quiz by answering all 5 of her questions correctly in Temtem.

How to beat Rawiri in Temtem

Tips on how to vanquish the second Dojo Leader in Temtem, Rawiri.

How to change Gear in Temtem

A guide on how to change and unequip Gear in Temtem.

How to get the Coward's Cloak in Temtem

The Coward's Cloak is an incredibly useful item to find as it will let you XP share with one of your Temtem!

Can you get a house in Temtem? The answer

A quick look at whether you can get a house in Temtem to call your own, and show off to your friends.

Where to get a Pigepic in Temtem

The best spot to capture an untamed Pigepic in Temtem.

Where to find Yusuf and Roger in Temtem

The exact location of the missing students, Yusuf and Roger, in Temtem.